Tag Archives: cannabis

Edible Cannabis

Edible Cannabis

What are edible cannabis? Food that is infused with cannabis extracts is known as edible cannabis. Edibles come in many forms, most commonly, they sold as baked goods, chocolates, gummies, tinctures, beverages and more. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from cannabis plants by heating up the plant in an oil-based liquid. THC is contained…

Sativa vs Indica

sativa vs indica

What’s the difference? A brief overview of sativa vs indica for the beginner. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, most people like to break down strains in two general groups: Sativa vs Indica (there’s also a third group, hybrid, but we’ll get into that another time). Hence, the reason for this grouping is…

CBD Benefits

CBD benefits

CBD – The potential health effects  You might have noticed that there are a lot of media coverage on CBD recently, and might have wondered if there is really any credibility around it. The truth is, the health effects of  CBD is still a growing field that is showing a lot of promise. But what…